Sunday, January 3, 2016

I'm only back as a new year resolution

Hello, to whoever has stayed refreshing this blog for the past six months. It's finally paid off, I'm back! (But only to keep my New Years resolution.)

Ah, 2016 already. I am actually really annoyed at myself for not keeping this up regularly, which is why I've enforced a rule that I must update this blog weekly!! Anyway, as this is the first post for 3255 winters and my first in 2016, I will catch you (whoever you are) up on my life. 

I feel so nostalgic writing this because my last post Id written just after I got my exam results which at the time was the end of the world. Now, I am sitting on 4 university offers (Glasgow Cali be playin hard to get), two of said offers being unconditionals. I'm planning on writing an  entry (don't count on it though) about my whole exam/university experience because I am living and breathing proof that grades are not the be all and end all. I'm really proud of myself that despite not having the entry requirements I have enticed people using my words. Woohoo. 

Other news, I have a job now! Yay. Call me Ritchie rich. (Or don't, because I spend all my wages right away and then moan about it.) I work at a hotel near where I live (very vague in case of stalkers - since I'm so cool and stalkable) as a waitress. Giving people their dinner isn't the most riveting of jobs but I really like the people I work with which makes all the difference (to me anyway.) Maybe I'll keep my New Years resolution and write an article like this at the start of 2017 and then I'll be famous and maybe the prime minister. What a world that would be. 

I'm not really sure what my posts will be about this year. Probably nothing exciting and just the contents of my brain as usual. I'm excited to see what 2016 will bring though, I've already got exciting plans like going to Rome with Lewis, going on my first girls holiday (!!) to magaluf (or as my phone corrects it to "kagafuk" - which is definitely a better name.) and for my Christmas, Lewis surprised me with a trip to New York!!!! Ahhhh. I am so excited and ready to save money and go on a sex in the city shopping spree. 

So, keep up with me talking rubbish and desperately trying to keep my New Years resolution by updating this blog every week! 
 Me and Lewis smiling because we are going to so many fun places. But at that time I didn't know, so I was actually smiling about going to B&M. Young love.