Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Something not so great followed by something great!

Hello to whoever may be reading this, and welcome! (I am picturing myself turning round in a big black chair) 

So today something so great and wonderful happened to mankind (but very mostly me happened) following on from something not that great. On Monday - which was yesterday (if anyone is reading from the future or past and has just become confused - I got yo' back) something not great and frankly really rubbished occured in my life. Exam results. The worst part of said exam results other than that they were not very great was the fact that I'd really, really tried. I'm planning on writing another post about exams and my experience but the bottom line was although I didn't fail my exams (and got my A in English which was a definite woohoo moment) I didn't do as well as I'd thought, particularly in my beloved subject; history. Fair to say I was bitterly disappointed and a fraction heartbroken. However every cloud has a silver lining! (A saying unrelated to the story I am about to tell but I am fond of it, so it is included.) In March I sent Hellogiggles a piece in the hope of publishing. I didn't hear back and figured it got lost in translation, and I just kind of let it be. Que Sara Sara. Anyway - last night I decided what the heck (as I often do) and I was going to email again because I have lots of questions about being a regular contributor and why shouldn't I ask them!? Everyone seems super nice. So I did. When accessing the email that I use for all writing related wonder - I saw an email from the hello giggles teen editor saying that they wanted to publish the piece I'd sent in march! I AM GOING TO BE A REGULAR TEEN CONTRIBUTOR ON HELLO GIGGLES - MY FAVOURITE WEBSITE!!!!!! I could have cried when I signed all the paperwork - especially considering it was only two days ago I started this blog and mentioned my hope to become a columnist! Sometimes life does go your way, and hard work does pay off yet not always in the way you expect. Also - exam results do not count for everything! 
I took a selfie to celebrate such a wonderous occasion. I look alarmingly long. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

It's nice to meet you Internet

Hey, Internet. 

I've decided that before I begin to explode the contents of my tiny brain into this blog that I should give you some context first and show that I am a noble human being, through a formal introduction. I'm also just super self absorbed. Anyway, my name is Roisin and I've just turned 17. I live in Bonny Scotland in a little city (right next to a big city *que Hannah Montana best of both worlds*) and eventually, I want to become a television presenter. However, despite it being 2015 and there is still no direct university colleges that make you rich and famous after 4 years, I've decided on doing journalism. I also would like to become a columnist one day (after watching Marley and me - kidding not kidding) and really I just want to share my thoughts on the strange world around us, talk a lot and have public fun. And private fun too - fun in all areas of life. So this blog is like a practice run for the rest of my life. It's also something to keep me busy that doesn't involve Nutella, which is always good. I like sunshine (a lot as in Scotland I have only ever seen in twice so I really need to stock up) fashion (although you might not know it as I don't have the millionaire bank account to demonstrate how trendy I really am) and socialising and other likeable things such as dogs, Instagram and my friends. I'm sure I'd like your friends to but I don't know them - unless you introduce and I'm sure I can add them to the list of things I like. Please read up often (I encourage low level blog stalking) on whatever I decide to share with the World Wide Web. Thank you :-)
(for exercising your eyes on this interesting yet selfish first blog post.) 

Here I am falling off the Grand     Canyon.